safe driving tips

Learning how to drive gives you the freedom and independence you need, but driving in an unsafe way can give you more problems than solutions. When you first learn to drive, you may be cautious and nervous, so you take things slow, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re driving safely. In 2019 alone, there were 1,148 traffic fatalities in Tennessee. Car accidents happen every day around the globe for various reasons. It’s up to you to do your part to know safe driving tips and ensure you decrease your own chances of being involved in an accident.

Although you can’t control the other drivers on the road, you can control your own car and how you respond to the other drivers. Knowing a few tips for driving is one of the best ways to start practicing safer driving. Having these skills in mind will not only help you become a better and safer driver, but it’ll also boost your confidence on the road.

To avoid car accidents to the best of your ability, you’ll want to continue reading below. Here are 7 car safety tips everyone should know.

1. Eliminate Distractions

Between 2010 and 2020, there were 221,441 distracted-driver crashes. Driving while distracted is one way to increase your chances of getting into an accident. Although the majority of the time you’re on the road nothing out of the norm happens, you never know when you need to be prepared to react.

If you’re distracted, you won’t be able to hit your brakes quick enough because a family of ducks decided to cross the road in front of the car in front of you and that person stopped for them. You won’t be able to slam on your breaks to avoid getting hit by the person who ran the stop sign.

Eliminate all distractions inside your vehicle and keep your full attention on the road.

2. Check Your Blind Spots

Switching lanes or turning onto traffic isn’t a difficult driving task to complete, but you need to stay aware of your blind spots. Using your mirrors to see what’s coming before entering a new lane is necessary, but so is checking those blind spots.

You can do this by leaning slightly forward while looking in your mirrors or by turning your head and looking behind you without using the mirrors. Some vehicles come with a blind spot indicator built into the mirrors, but others don’t have this feature.

Even with the feature there to help you, it doesn’t hurt to take a few moments to do an extra check.

3. Follow Road Laws

The easiest tips for new drivers to follow are the ones that involve following the laws of the road.

The laws of the road are put in place for a reason. If a certain street has a speed limit of 40, then that’s the speed you need to drive. Going slightly above the speed limit won’t put you into the danger zone, but driving much faster than it can.

Aside from speed limits, there are other road laws and signs put in place to keep everyone on the roads safe. Failure to follow these laws could cause you to crash. If another car on the road isn’t following the speed limit or other road laws, then it’s always best to keep a good distance between you and that car.

4. Know When Not to Drive

Knowing when not to drive is just as much a safety tip as knowing how to drive. If you’ve been drinking or are under the influence of drugs or narcotics, then you shouldn’t be getting behind the wheel.

The same is true for those who feel exhausted or too tired to drive. Don’t force yourself to drive if you’re having trouble keeping your eyes open. This not only puts you in danger, but other people on the road as well.

Call a friend, stay where you’re at, or contact a driver service instead.

5. Drive at a Safe Distance

You should never drive closely behind the car in front of you. Even if this car is going under the speed limit, you need to keep a safe distance from it. If they’re going too slow, you can switch lanes and pass them, but never drive on top of their bumper.

You never know when the car might come to a stop and if it does, you won’t have enough time to brake and stop before hitting the car. Give yourself enough room between you and the car in front of you so you won’t have to worry about needing to slam on your brakes.

6. Avoid Driving in Bad Weather

Driving in harsh weather conditions brings on more safety hazards than you’d experience with normal driving conditions. There are times when you have no choice but to drive in the rain, snow, or high winds. When you do have the choice, however, be sure to avoid it.

If you have time to wait it out until the bad weather clears up, do so. Even if you have full confidence in yourself to drive well during it, you can’t trust the other cars on the road to do the same.

7. Become a Defensive Driver

Always be on the defense. When you’re driving, you need to treat the other cars on the road as if they’re all new drivers and don’t know how to drive well. Never trust the other drivers to come to complete stops, stop at the stop signs and red lights, look before switching lanes, and so on.

You don’t want to drive scared of the other drivers, but you do need to drive ready to avoid another car from hitting you at all times. Always watch what other drivers are doing and get out of their way when needed.

Follow These Safe Driving Tips for Accident-Free Driving

Keep these safe driving tips in mind for the next time you head out on the road. Knowing these tips for driving is one of the best ways to keep yourself accident-free, but accidents are called accidents for a reason and there are times when it can’t be avoided.

If you were involved in a car accident, contact us today to receive a free consultation and to see how we can help you today!

Posted in: Car Accidents